About Us

Suki Beth Ferguson is a 61-year-old tradesperson who enjoys yoga, travelling and football. She is exciting and generous, but can also be very untrustworthy and a bit rude.

She is American who defines herself as gay. She didn’t finish school.

Physically, Suki is slightly overweight but otherwise in good shape. She is short with brown skin, grey hair and black eyes.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. After her mother died when she was young, she was raised by her father

She is currently in a relationship with Isabel Ava Dunn. Isabel is 2 years older than her and works as a screenplay writer.

Suki has three children with girlfriend Isabel: Billie aged 20, Jeremiah aged 25 and Ed aged 28.

Suki’s best friend is a tradesperson called Max Fields. They get on well most of the time. She also hangs around with a tradesperson called Carolyn Barker. They enjoy recycling together.